[现货]JENNY MCCOY DESSERTS 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

》[现货]JENNY MCCOY DESSERTS电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9780847841011
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2013-09
  • 页数:240
  • 价格:225.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Award-winning pastry chef Jenny McCoy presents her imaginative repertoire of desserts inspired by seasonality and flavor. This dessert cookbook features more than 100 delectable recipes enhanced by the flavor that only fresh fruit provides. An array of pies and tarts; cakes, cookies, and confections; ice cream and sorbet; and sweet drinks with a modernist twist are included in this user-friendly primer, which is divided into four sections showcasing each season’s bounty. For the fall and winter holidays, there are enticing treats such as a Chestnut-Chocolate Layer Cake and Pumpkin-Maple Ice Cream. Strawberry-Thyme Lemonade is perfect in springtime. Summer is time for a refreshing Watermelon Granita with Lime Cream and Peach Hand Pies. Master recipes and a seasonal harvest calendar are useful components. The artful photographs of these desserts illustrate attractive presentations for sharing such luscious sweets.,




An authority on baking and pastry, Jenny McCoy has created dessert menus for such leading restaurants as Tom Colicchio’s Craft and Emeril Lagasse’s New Orleans establishments. In 2011, she received the prestigious NYC Rising Star Pastry Chef award. McCoy is an Institute of Culinary Education instructor, Almond Board of California spokesperson, and a contributor to Serious Eats and the Huffington Post. Emeril Lagasse is the chef/owner of many restaurants, including Emeril’s and NOLA, the author of several cookbooks, and the host of the Hallmark Channel’s Emeril’s Table. Pernille Pedersen is a lifestyle photographer who is frequently published in The Wall Street Journal Magazine, Martha Stewart Living, and Food & Wine.,,,,












"To say the book is gorgeous is an understatement. But beauty is nothing without brains, and this book packs serious smarts. The seasonal, fruit-forward focus and elegant photography are reminiscent of Nigel Slater's "Ripe", but the authoritative, yet encouraging tone is all her own...Consider yourself lucky the book is divided into seasons, otherwise you'd be spoilt for choice. There are ice pops, roulades, pies, cakes, and breads, all delivered in a way that embolden the home cook." ~

Serious Eats

Jenny McCoy’s Desserts for Every Season

couldn’t be more aptly named, Jenny has been baking and creating recipes inspired by what is ripe and available for as long as she can remember.” ~


“A baking and pastry authority who has consulted on dessert menus for Tom Colicchio’s NYC Craft restaurant and Emeril Lagasse’s establishment, Jenny McCoy dishes up a big serving of inspiration for seasonal sweets...Winter, Spring, and summer have equally enticing offerings.” ~

The Post and Courier

“If you’re looking to update your go-to dessert recipes to something more elegant, modern, and season, you are going to want to pick up a copy. There’s nothing run of the mill here—the recipes are unique and impressive but sill uncomplicated. As far as design goes, the whole book has a classy, subdued aesthetic that I very much like…This will definitely be a book that I turn to for every future dinner party I plan.”


"The dishes we make for dessert are determined not only by tradition, but also by seasonality. A guide to sweet treats to carry you from the winter holidays through spring, summer and fall,

Jenny McCoy’s Desserts for Every Season

is the perfect holiday gift."


Desserts for Every Season...

many original and truly seasonally inspired recipes. I would probably make every recipe...all are unique.” ~


“Jenny McCoy hits the sweet spot—literally and figuratively. Her desserts make the best use of seasonal ingredients and seem to be just what you want to be eating when the weather changes…The book’s recipes will help you create something special and delicious, but won’t have you sugar-streaked and edgy by the end of the day. Her recipes are homey, but still special. The recipes’ range and ease speak to the joy of this book—flexibility to respond to your own pantry inspirations and a casual elegance that will please…”



Award-winning pastry chef Jenny McCoy presents her imaginative repertoire of desserts inspired by seasonality and flavor. This dessert cookbook features more than 100 delectable recipes enhanced by the flavor that only fresh fruit provides. An array of pies and tarts; cakes, cookies, and confections; ice cream and sorbet; and sweet drinks with a modernist twist are included in this user-friendly primer, which is divided into four sections showcasing each season’s bounty. For the fall and winter holidays, there are enticing treats such as a Chestnut-Chocolate Layer Cake and Pumpkin-Maple Ice Cream. Strawberry-Thyme Lemonade is perfect in springtime. Summer is time for a refreshing Watermelon Granita with Lime Cream and Peach Hand Pies. Master recipes and a seasonal harvest calendar are useful components. The artful photographs of these desserts illustrate attractive presentations for sharing such luscious sweets.


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